Friday, September 21, 2007

Ping'an & the Dragon's Backbone Rice Terraces

No it's not the name of a 70's band - it's where we stayed about a million years ago after Shanghai. The truth is we're not very good bloggers as it's been over 2 weeks since our last post! We just don't have the time or inclination to spend time on a computer when there so much to see, do & eat! After Shanghai we went to Guilin where we played ping-pong with the locals (they were OK - but I think the good ones are training in Beijing. Guilin is a very scenic place where these tall mountain pillars are dotted around the city.

After Guilin we went to Ping'an on an overnight stop, taking only the bare essentials as it's a long trek up a steep mountain, the top of which is dotted with guest-houses - we went to one of the more expensive ones costing us about 100 Yuan ($17AUD). The view from there was fantastic and I'll definitely come back again to see the terraces when water or snow covered. You could get guys to carry you up there on sedan chairs but that'd be cheating. However If I were the size of this woman I might think about too! Those porters sure earned their money on this trip!

One of the amusing things up this mountain is the plethora of local "Long Haired Women" who are in actual fact a sophisticated syndicate out to fleece the western tourist of their hard-earned yuan. telecommunication systems such as radio, mobile and the chinese version of yodelling are all used to set up roadblocks at strategic photo points along the path. Although unconfirmed I am sure they have an elaborate network of underground tunnels as I'm positive the same woman hassled us repeatedly along the same path.

After Ping'an we went to Yangshou was even more scenic than Guilin. I went fishing here but the bait I was sold just wouldn't attract the fish. Some of the highlights of Yangshuo were a 600-person theatrical performance that we didn't understand a word of, bamboo rafting & Miriam and I getting taxied around on the back of a single motor-bike.

I'm a bit ethically challenged currently about giving to the many beggars on the street - I have a pocket of 1-Yuan notes that I give out to anyone who asks (1Y = <20c)

That's enough for now - We're currently in Tibet which you'll here about in about 3 blogs time.


Jez said...

The occasional blog is ok, this is acceptable. You do well. I've just been away for a week hiking Victoria's Great Ocean Walk. Eagerly I checked your blog this morning and was disappointed. But now, just hours later thou, all good!

Sounds fun. I'm thinking the motor bike taxi would be scary, but somehow still good to experience.

Anonymous said...

glad to see a new post from you guys. i know the feeling of "so much to blog, so little time". :) we look forward to catching up with you when you get back!

Anonymous said...

It's nice to hear you're enjoying travelling, as we enjoyed travelling in Oz. But 17$ for a night dosn't sound very expensive for me. We didn't get any good hostel beyond $20 in Australia :-). Exept the ones with bedbucks.
Allright, I guess you're really happy there.